Meet Steph

Steph Jordan

Pandemic + Housing Crisis Left Me + My 8 Kids Homeless...Now Digital Marketing is My Path to Rebuilding. Here's My Story...

Let's just say the pandemic made "stay-at-home" a whole new level of complicated for my family. Boom – eviction notice from Landlord wanting to cash in on the crisis and sell our rental, eight kids, and me looking around like, "Anyone got a spare mansion?". The fear was off the charts, the desperation to feed those hungry faces...yeah, we're not reliving my lowest lows. Let's just say "cozy" became a bad joke. My mother-in-law took pity, offering up her, let's call it "quirky", Queenslander. Quirky as in tiny, ancient, sweltering like the depths of Mordor itself, and hosting a rodent civilisation... But hey, a roof is a roof, right? For 18 long, and honestly traumatising, months, that was home. Seriously, finding a proper rental afterwards felt like winning the lottery!

But mama bears, y'all know the drill. Even when you want to curl up and sob in a corner (and there were moments...), some weird survival instinct fueled by baby smiles and stubborn defiance just kicks in.

Cue the discovery of digital marketing. Okay, initially, it looked like another language...or maybe alien hieroglyphics? But let me tell you, that desperation breeds hustle. Here was a way to maybe make money without wearing pants...sign me up!

Selling digital products – the courses I wish I'd had from the start, the templates I desperately cobbled together – gave me something to sink my teeth into. Don't get me wrong, there was no overnight unicorn success story. But let's be real, when you're juggling kids, bills, AND living in a sauna fueled by toddler tantrums, even a few minutes of focused hustle in the car – A/C cranked! – feels like a win. And now? This weirdo who traded that chaos for a laptop is actually building something!

Wanna trade those 'Am I failing my kids?' 3 AM freakouts for 'Heck yeah, I'm crushing this!' vibes? My done-for-you products are the survival gear I wish I'd had back when I was juggling bills and bedtime battles. Look, I'm no millionaire mama-bot spouting empty hustle promises. It takes work, but here's the thing: If a weirdo like me can claw her way out of chaos, so can you.

(Learn more about how I went from overwhelmed mum, to online entrepreneur in this blog post HERE)

Let's yeet the overwhelm, master some money-making skills, and prove to ourselves those dreams tucked under the laundry pile CAN become real. Hit my shop, find the shortcuts that'll save your sanity, and let's get started. Building a future where you call the shots takes guts, mama. With a sprinkle of laughter and a whole lot of determination, let's make it happen! ✨

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